Vivian was like most little just-turned-four year olds. Mom could hardly keep up. The two of them had just returned from a trip to Grandma's and Vivian couldn't wait to get out of the car, and usually out of her clothes and go to her room and play. She would dance and talk to herself and her babies. Vivian loved her babies. She would take at least one or more if mom let her everywhere she went. For a four year old, mom recognized Vivian connected people relationally very well. Whenever she would go to the store she would be quick to point out the babies momma. It wasn't to long ago she connected the daddy to the momma and momma to the baby. This always amazed mom. She marveled at how sharp Vivian's mind connected the dots. The opposite was true as well. She always knew when one of the pieces was missing. She would point out, mom, that is her momma as she pointed to the mom holding the infant. Mom would always respond. That's right Vivian. Isn't she cute? Vivian would be quick to ask, where is the momma's daddy? By "daddy" she meant husband. But to a four year old every one has a daddy or should have a daddy.
Vivian came running in from her room with everything off but her tighty whities. She loved to be naked. When she played and was deep in thought she would twirl her hair and play with her navel. She was so adorable mom could hardly stand it. Vivian bounced around with her favorite doll and then mom noticed how she got still. As she was deep in thought she wondered over to mom with a perplexed look on her face. Mom knew that look and knew a question was coming soon. Mom reached out to Vivian and invited her into her lap. Vivian looking down and then looked up into Mom's eyes and asked, Why doesn't Grandma live in Grandpa's house? Mom knew this question was going to come up one day but never did she believe it would happen this soon. Mom, wanting to buy some time to come up with an answer said, Well Vivian, I am not real sure. It is difficult to explain. Not satisfied at all. Vivian asked, doesn't Grandpa love Grandma? Mom felt a little twinge of the almost forgotten pain at the question. Oh no Vivian, Grandpa loves Grandma very much, mom quickly responded.
Vivian looking down again deep in thought. Mom knew that this was very confusing for her. Afterall everyone needs a "daddy" in Vivian's simple little world. Vivian asked the obvious question, but she said so slowly almost as if afraid to ask the question or afraid of the answer. Does Grandma love Grandpa? Now the slight pain in mom's belly was sharp and all too familar. It had been some time since mom's parents got a divorce and the pain that was there had been suppressed for a while. It had been so long that mom thought that maybe it had gone away for good but no it was only dormant waiting for this moment. Mom looked Vivian in those big blue eyes and said, Baby, I believe at one time she did and she still may but it's difficult to explain.
Being intuitive beyond her years mom could see the wheels turning in Vivian's head. Maybe Vivian isn't a chess player or a child prodigy but she puts 2 and 2 together very quickly even if she can't quite articulate it It is there. Vivian looked back at mom and with a hint of tear in her eyes and a quiver in her voice she asked, "Are You Going to Leave Daddy?" Vivian's neat little innocent world was being rocked right in front of her. Vivian's 2 and 2 where coming together. If Grandma left Grandpa then her mom might leave her daddy. Mom quickly and with as much conviction and sincerity as she could muster looked Vivian in the eyes and with grief and remorse tried to assure her, Oh Vivian, momma is never going to leave daddy. We will always be together. Momma held Vivian really tight. Vivian looked back at momma paused for a moment and then asked, "Does Grandma Love Me?" Again this floored mom. Vivian recognized that if Grandma's idea of love included leaving Grandpa then whose to say Grandma won't leave her too someday. Momma again quickly responded, Oh Vivian, Grandma loves you more than anything.
As Mom said those words she knew they rang hollow and thin. If Vivian doesn't know now she will learn love is a verb it is not what someone says but rather it is what someone does that demonstrates their love. The same pain that mom felt when her parents divorced she knew was now being visited upon her daughter. As she held Vivian close she silently plead with God. Oh Lord please please give my husband and I grace to stick together. Don't let us ever yield to temptation or wander from you. Please keep us God. Please, for Vivian's sake and her children.
In Him We Live
Acts 17:28
Monday, November 5, 2012
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
An Appeal to Christians on the Left
"Civility in Public Discourse is at an all time low". This statement has been repeated every decade I have been following politics. It is usually sited by a liberal politician or member of the media after some horrific incident implying the rise in the conservative movement is stirring up angst and hatred. These slurs and false implications are never proven or founded on anything of substance.
It seems to me however, things actually have declined to a level that is disgraceful, disgusting and shameful. The left has sunk to a low that is not human. I don't want to come across condescending or prudish or any of those things. I honestly and sincerely feel shame for the man carrying this sign. I want to plead with him to stop his inhumane degrading behavior. It doesn't help his cause. It doesn't serve the few good people of his cause and it is offensive to decent people of all political persuasions or at least it should be. If he were trying to be funny it's not.
You might have read recently of the CBS reporter, Lara Logan, while covering the protest in Egypt was sexually assaulted by a group of men and repeatedly raped in the street while many looked on. The accounts differ but the ordeal could have lasted any where from 30 minutes to 3 hours. She was beaten, bit and raped repeatedly. She was degraded in unthinkable and unspeakable ways. For a more graphic and detailed account of the incident read here.
In light of Lara Logan's tragedy, this man's sign clearly is making reference to the incident at this Wisconsin protest rally and I guess is looking to commit similar acts of violence against conservative women. The Left is officially unhinged. I have little to no respect for the general Left. Their claim to stand up for the common man, to defend the defenseless, is a sham and disgusting. For those few on the Left that truly do want to help the less fortunate and give back to mankind, their efforts are totally mocked by the great numbers of people, like this man, who are filled with hate and gross self interest.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
After dropping the game winning touchdown pass against the Steelers Steve Johnson, the Buffalo Bills wide-out, ranted on Twitter, "I PRAISE YOU 24/7!!!!!! AND THIS HOW YOU DO ME!!!!!" Out of his frustration, disappointment and hurt he shouted and blamed God for his misfortune. Predictably, the world jumped on @StevieJohnson13 for his rant and misplacing the blame. He received national attention on TV, print, talk radio, blogs, and social networks. Had he caught the ball I am not sure the world would know Steve Johnson. Sadly I must admit I have placed blame at God's feet to many times myself. Maybe I didn't send a tweet to the whole world about it but I am probably guilty of far worse.
It's funny how we believe we are entitled to so much. "If I do this or that for you God, then don't I "deserve" what I want?" There are plenty of voices in many pulpits that will reinforce this notion that we are entitled and that we can place God in our debt. Your Blessed Life Now or The Blessed Life are just a couple of popular titles that will in subtle and not so subtle ways convince you that you deserve better. The message that God is for you and that God is here for you is deafening and overwhelming. As if God is not the center of the universe, you are. But we don't have to go any further than our own wicked deceitful hearts to hear that message.
Isn't it true, every moment of every day we tell ourselves we should have it better? We should have more. We deserve more. We don't deserve to be treated this way or that someone or something is keeping us from happiness. If we have any church background at all, at some point, the Steve Johnson thought comes into our heads and we say, "Look at all I have done for You, don't I deserve better?"
When I think about the tantrums that I have thrown so many times it makes me sick. What's worse, I really believed it. God in His mercy opened my eyes to the obvious truth, we don't deserve anything from God but His wrath. The reality that Steve Johnson can run and breath and jump is a miracle and only by God's grace do we have any ability at all.
Paul, in Ephesians 2, says it best, "All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved."
Clearly, Paul is not speaking to everyone but only to those who have been made alive by God. And that is Paul's point. It wasn't anything that we did or could do or bring. We have nothing and deserve nothing but His wrath and if He doesn't intervene we are lost. It is only by His grace. With this correct perspective like Job we should say, "though He slay me yet will I trust Him". He may crush me in this life and He may choose to bless me. I may catch the touchdown pass and I may not, but whatever comes my way He knows what is best for me and without Him I would be nothing. Paul goes on to say why He saved us in the first place. And it isn't for us or so we could enjoy a "Blessed Life", on this earth, but rather, "that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace". That's right, it is for His glory. Period, end of story. Not my story and glory. Not yours either. His. To Him be all glory, honor, dominon, power, and strength, forever and ever Amen.
It's funny how we believe we are entitled to so much. "If I do this or that for you God, then don't I "deserve" what I want?" There are plenty of voices in many pulpits that will reinforce this notion that we are entitled and that we can place God in our debt. Your Blessed Life Now or The Blessed Life are just a couple of popular titles that will in subtle and not so subtle ways convince you that you deserve better. The message that God is for you and that God is here for you is deafening and overwhelming. As if God is not the center of the universe, you are. But we don't have to go any further than our own wicked deceitful hearts to hear that message.
Isn't it true, every moment of every day we tell ourselves we should have it better? We should have more. We deserve more. We don't deserve to be treated this way or that someone or something is keeping us from happiness. If we have any church background at all, at some point, the Steve Johnson thought comes into our heads and we say, "Look at all I have done for You, don't I deserve better?"
When I think about the tantrums that I have thrown so many times it makes me sick. What's worse, I really believed it. God in His mercy opened my eyes to the obvious truth, we don't deserve anything from God but His wrath. The reality that Steve Johnson can run and breath and jump is a miracle and only by God's grace do we have any ability at all.
Paul, in Ephesians 2, says it best, "All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved."
Clearly, Paul is not speaking to everyone but only to those who have been made alive by God. And that is Paul's point. It wasn't anything that we did or could do or bring. We have nothing and deserve nothing but His wrath and if He doesn't intervene we are lost. It is only by His grace. With this correct perspective like Job we should say, "though He slay me yet will I trust Him". He may crush me in this life and He may choose to bless me. I may catch the touchdown pass and I may not, but whatever comes my way He knows what is best for me and without Him I would be nothing. Paul goes on to say why He saved us in the first place. And it isn't for us or so we could enjoy a "Blessed Life", on this earth, but rather, "that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace". That's right, it is for His glory. Period, end of story. Not my story and glory. Not yours either. His. To Him be all glory, honor, dominon, power, and strength, forever and ever Amen.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Should we forgive Michael Vick?
On the way to work this morning I tuned in to a national syndicated morning sports talk show. As I listen to the anchors of this show discuss Michael Vick's return to football stardom, I couldn't help but notice how they so delicately handled his past dog fighting offenses. His dog fighting activity sent him to prison for 2 years. I listened to them go on and on asking, "should we forgive him, have we forgave him? What does it say about us as a society and fans that he has received the most votes for the pro bowl this year?" Listening in, my thoughts weren't really about Michael Vick at all. To be honest, I hope he has turned his life around. I hope that he makes a huge contribution to his community. But he really isn't my point or focus.
I couldn't help but notice how these guys talking about Michael Vick's past didn't even mention his past in any detail. It was obvious they were doing everything they could to avoid mentioning it, describing it, or discussing it. They did mention how disgusted they were with what he did and how they were outraged by his actions back then. They also described how they received enormous outrage and hate mail for even mentioning his come back a year ago.
What struck me by all of this is how they wouldn't say that he "killed" dogs. It was clear they were avoiding it. I suppose perhaps they didn't want to be offensive. Their handling of the topic really began to bug me. Here is a guy that killed dogs and did prison time for it. But he didn't abort a baby. He didn't take advantage of a woman or women and then discard them. He didn't infect a child with aids. He didn't buy a little girl for sex. The effects of these and other offenses to humans are far graver and more devastating than killing some animal.
I guess my problem with that conversation was just how skewed our values are and have become. There is outrage over animal abuse and in contrast there is very little reaction over the abuse to mankind that goes on daily all around us.
Am I alone in this? I wonder what you think?
I couldn't help but notice how these guys talking about Michael Vick's past didn't even mention his past in any detail. It was obvious they were doing everything they could to avoid mentioning it, describing it, or discussing it. They did mention how disgusted they were with what he did and how they were outraged by his actions back then. They also described how they received enormous outrage and hate mail for even mentioning his come back a year ago.
What struck me by all of this is how they wouldn't say that he "killed" dogs. It was clear they were avoiding it. I suppose perhaps they didn't want to be offensive. Their handling of the topic really began to bug me. Here is a guy that killed dogs and did prison time for it. But he didn't abort a baby. He didn't take advantage of a woman or women and then discard them. He didn't infect a child with aids. He didn't buy a little girl for sex. The effects of these and other offenses to humans are far graver and more devastating than killing some animal.
I guess my problem with that conversation was just how skewed our values are and have become. There is outrage over animal abuse and in contrast there is very little reaction over the abuse to mankind that goes on daily all around us.
Am I alone in this? I wonder what you think?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Rangers fight back demons
Our Texas Rangers have done it! They have defeated a 39 year old demon. This team and these players have a great story. Many of the players on this team have great stories. None better than Josh Hamilton's story of his battle with substance abuse. We too often hear the dark and ugly side of athlete's. You can find as much information and details of the sorted tales of Brett Farve's sexting or Tiger Woods extra marital activities as you have time for. It is everywhere. But where are the stories of men overcoming, beating back life's challenges?
Josh's story highlighted on the I am second video is amazing. What is just as amazing is his continued submission to the Lord. The Lord captured his heart in that moment of desperation and has kept Josh ever since. Recently, Josh went to speak to a youth group at a local church testifying of the Lord's faithfulness and saving power in his life instead of celebrating with champagne with his teammates after the game that clinched the playoffs this season. After the Tamba Bay playoff series his teammates celebrated with Ginger Ale.
When we watch Josh Hamilton take the field tonight against the hated Yankees, like any of us who have been saved and rescued, Josh knows there wouldn't be a game or a life without Christ doing for him what he could not do for himself. Jesus truly is the Demon hunter for all of us. That makes me want to shout hallelujah, Thank you Jesus, Lord your worthy of all the honor and all the praise and Go Rangers!
You can learn more about Josh Hamilton at
Josh's story highlighted on the I am second video is amazing. What is just as amazing is his continued submission to the Lord. The Lord captured his heart in that moment of desperation and has kept Josh ever since. Recently, Josh went to speak to a youth group at a local church testifying of the Lord's faithfulness and saving power in his life instead of celebrating with champagne with his teammates after the game that clinched the playoffs this season. After the Tamba Bay playoff series his teammates celebrated with Ginger Ale.
When we watch Josh Hamilton take the field tonight against the hated Yankees, like any of us who have been saved and rescued, Josh knows there wouldn't be a game or a life without Christ doing for him what he could not do for himself. Jesus truly is the Demon hunter for all of us. That makes me want to shout hallelujah, Thank you Jesus, Lord your worthy of all the honor and all the praise and Go Rangers!
You can learn more about Josh Hamilton at
Thursday, September 23, 2010
2010 Republican "Pledge To America"
Amen! The House GOP nailed this one. You can't go wrong sticking to the Declaration of Independence and Biblical truth. Because God is our Creator and we are His cherished creation we have intrinsic value that no government can take away or improve. When our liberties are infringed upon by our government it is our right and duty before God to act in accordance with God's will and power to change that government.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Roger Staubach, still Captain America

Recently Published In a Letter to the Editor Column in the Dallas Morning News.
To Roger Staubach, still Captain America -- Recently, my brother was sitting in first class on a flight from Dallas-Fort Worth to Colorado Springs when a couple boarded and sat in front of him. He immediately recognized the man as Roger Staubach. They exchanged greetings, and Staubach said he was headed to Colorado Springs for the inaugural Warrior Games.
After 60 or 70 percent of the plane was boarded, a female Army soldier who had lost her leg boarded. Staubach insisted she sit in his seat; she said, "no, thanks," but he insisted. He took her place in a middle seat way in the back. After a few minutes, the young girl got tears in her eyes and said she wanted to go to her seat and have Staubach return to his.
The flight attendant overheard, and, as the female soldier headed to retrieve Staubach, the attendant said she had a no-show and both could sit in first class.
The flight attendant returned with the female soldier, but Staubach sent a double amputee Army soldier to sit in his seat. Staubach remained in coach the entire flight and disembarked last. My brother waited and asked for an autograph for my birthday; Staubach said certainly. It's a great gift, but the greater gift is knowing Roger Staubach is still Captain America.
Drew Werner, Addison>
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