Monday, October 19, 2009

How He Loves Us - Part 2

For the next several posts I hope to expound on each line of the song "How He Loves Us". I hope you enjoy this as much as I will.

Love like a Hurricane, I am a tree bent by His waves of mercy.
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. II Cor 5:14

Kim Walker ~ How He Loves US with lyrics

I loved the movie "The Notebook". As the love story builds the main character wrote love letters to his lover every day for one year. Later, as the story unfolds and the truth comes out about the un-returned letters, the lover is blown away by Noah's, the main characters, persistence and great faith in her, even though she never once responded or acknowledged the letters and effort. After being told of the letters, years later, she is clearly overwhelmed by his expression of love. The audience is captivated by this demonstration of love as well.

The line in this song so beautifully describes the Fathers violent, persistent, and tenacious pursuit of us. Jesus did not just write us love letters, which He did, but His demonstration of love towards us is so amazing so overwhelming and violent the image of a hurricane is beautiful. I have never personally witnessed a hurricane except on TV. The images are horrific. The wind and rain are relentless. It seems that it never stops. Wave after wave after wave of relentless thrashing. This image of this relentless violent rain is a great visual of His love for us.

No greater love than this than a man lay down His life for His friends. He took our place. Taking for us what we did deserve and giving us what we didn't. Martin Luther wrote of Jesus, "Hanging cursed upon the tree because of our transgressions, Jesus, in the Father's righteous judgment, had become "adulterer" to save sexual sinners. Likewise, He was "murderer" to save the hateful, as well as "oath-breaker," "liar," "sorcerer," and every other type of wicked person, even though He never committed a single one of these sins."

In our place Jesus took all our shame every embarrassing sin, the humiliation, the scorn. He took it all so that we might enjoy, obtain, and possess Him. What a Savior.

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